
Internet Filtering Monitoring Software

Online filtering and accountability software for your computers and phones. A Christian company on the cutting edge of protecting you and your family from pornography.

Accountability software for healthy transparency and peace of mind

Ministries for Help with Sexual Addiction

Bethesda Workshops – A Place for Healing from Sexual Addiction in Nashville, TN

3-day and 2-day in person intensive experiences created by Dr. Mark & Debbie Laaser for men, women, and couples who are looking to heal, grow, and become the individuals God created them to be.

Bring your thoughts and behaviors in line with your spirituality, faith, values, beliefs, commitments, and self-respect.

Helpful Articles

This is an article written at the popular level comparing aspects of the effects of pornography on the brain to drug addictions.

Triggers come in all shapes and sizes, and understanding them is a big part of controlling your addiction.

How does broken trust in a marriage regrow? Growth in trust will require your spouse personally investing in change and your willingness to take relational risks. 

Have you had the horrifying experience of discovering your child is looking at pornography?
Are you terrified your kids will be exposed to porn? offers up some great insights in to what men need to help them out of the pit

A great article how to run effective accountability.
